J.P. Kallio is a really great singer songwriter and I follow his blog. Yesterday he sent an email to his list inviting us to sign back up vocals for him on his new song and we could do it right at home. I was like YEAH! All we had to do was all we had to do was sign up at a website called Melosity It is a free online recording and mixing app, Like a very stripped down Protools, or Garageband.

Once I signed in J.P. invited me to the songs workspace and I spent a while listening to the song and then recording a track for my contribution. Again I never had to leave my desk. Once I liked how the rough track sounded with the master I saved it. and that’s that. Myself and who knows how many other net citizens will be the backup vocals on the new song when it is released. I love the many ways the internet connects creative people so they can work together. Definite bright spot in the time stream.