
Gloriaby Branden Jacobs-Jenkinsin 2019 Alan made a Swine Palace Theater debut as Lorin in Gloria directed by Dr. Femi Euba

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

Happy New Year! It might be traditional to reflect on the past year before the start of the new one. But 2019 afforded some changes so profound that I needed some extra time to process.  The past few weeks have been a break between semesters. During the time not filled with holiday celebrations my thoughts…

Ten Days in Baton Rouge

It’s been 10 days since arriving in Baton Rouge and every day is full of discovery.  The number of people who’ve asked “Why did you come here?” as in why would anyone choose to move here is really amusing. We’ve gotten that question from both locals and transplants. Maybe we haven’t been here long enough…

MFA Journey – The Things I’ll Miss.

Looking out of a window in to another I think about the things that I most trust to be familiar. The things I trust so deeply they escape notice, and soon will all change. Things like the peeling paint in familiar buildings, and the architecture that reflects tastes of the past. The little plops of…

MFA Acting Journey Almost 50

Hi All, I’m resurrecting my blog so as to keep a journal of my experience in the LSU graduate Theatre program.  Everyone has a story and I hope you find some value in mine. My name is Alan R. White. Part One: The Movie That Started It All The year is 2013 and I have…

Six Things to Ask an Artist

This is such an excellent post please check it out  

Keith Hamilton Cobb’s American Moore

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing “American Moor” at the BCA Plaza. It’s elegant, powerful passionate theatre that seamlessly moves from precise control to raw emotion. Keith Hamilton Cobb drops truth with humor, grace and a total command of the stage that commands the audience’s engagement. The play is about Cobb’s experience as…

Letters to A Young Actor #2

Dear Actor, No matter where you are on your theatrical journey you will receive a great deal of advice mostly from people who are not actors nor even work in entertainment or the arts. While they mean well, most of this advice should be ignored. I understand the implicit hypocrisy of writing advice to ignore…