Artistic Acheivements
I'm passionate about creating positive change in the theatrical community through my creative work and teaching. I delight in the opportunities to combine both.

"Othello" Dream Role Players Theatre
I directed Shakespeare's "Othello" for Dream Role Players. The all BIPOC production received positive reviews and audience feedback.

Child of the Night: Pirates of the Mediterranean
I wrote the original adaptation of the 19th century play, and served as fight director on the first production at Western Kentucky University. A current student Ariel Alexander was Assistant fight director and choregraphed some of the production.

Published Article
I was awarded the 2023 Rocco Dal Vera Graduate Research Award for the article: "Keep the Arrows: Interrogating Discrimination in Fandom Through Solo Performance." published in the peer reviewed journal, The Voice and Speech Review

American Tapestry: Immigrant Children of the Bread and Roses Strike
I directed the film adaptation of Theatre Espresso's "American Tapestry: Immigrant Children of the Bread and Roses Strike". The project enabled the company to provide virtual versions of it's interactive programs to schools unable to have in-person arts programs due to Covid.

Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl
I directed Sarah Ruhl's haunting play "Eurydice" at Western Kentucky University's Department of Theatre and Dance

In collaboration with the Department of Art & Design, the Augmented and Extended Reality lab and the Honors college we produced a solo performance with an AR set component.

The Hangmen
I returned to work as dialect coach for Pure Theatre's production of The Hangmen and worked helped the cast develop regionally accurate and unique dialects for the characters.

Mlima's Tale
I was the dialect coach to for Pure Theatre's regional premier of Mlima's Tale. I helped stellar cast of four actors develop dialects from countries in Africa, Asia and North America.
Student Acheivements
These are some examples of the successes achieved by students and alumni I have had the pleasure to teach and mentor.
Emma Mcgee
Alumnus Emma McGee is a former student and Mentee.
Shylin Jordan
Shylin is a current student who I've had the pleasure to teach and mentor. She's achieved impressive successes in her career while still in school. Click the link for more student and alumni successes.
Ariel Alexander
Ariel (they/them) is a current student who has discovered a passion for stage combat, has choreographed multiple productions and won an award for choreography at the NASD national workshop. Click the link for more student and alumni successes.
Katie Hurst
Alumnus Katie Hurst is a former student and Mentee.