Remembering to love the body.

The reality is many men have body image issues also. We don’t talk about it because it is a sign of weakness. Or so my generation thought, many younger men are more evolved than I am. Despite that, this post is inspired by a recent Moth Podcast and what a Goddess of the Southwest taught…

Mother Hicks

Today was the final performance of Mother Hicks by Emerson stage. The first play in the Ware trilogy was produced as part of the full cycle in collaboration with Wheelock Family Theatre producing A Taste of Sunrise, and Central Square Theater producing The Edge of Peace. Ware is a small close knit community in Illinois….

Happy New Year

I I hope everyone has a wonderful, and health new Year!

why I was there

The morning after the L.A. riots in 1992. My father and I spoke on the phone. I heard something in his voice that I didn’t understand. There was a weariness in hs words. It was a weariness of one who has seen all this injustice before. As I watched the news in 2014 and listened…

Thanks for the Rejection. . . No really

Photo: “Thank You” by Reggie Ballesteros It’s november and recently I’ve been getting a lot of reminders to practice gratitude. Right now I want to offer a sincere thank you to the Boston Theater companies for rejection letters. Nope I’m not being snarky. While I’m disappointed every time I get a little email saying a…

“I Believe I Deserve Success”

“I believe I deserve success” will be my mantra for a while. Historically my career choices haven’t reflected this. As part of an acting career master class I’ve had to look at my past career and try to identify patterns that server me and patterns that don’t. One big pattern I’ve noticed in both my…

The Things We Do For Art

Under strict orders not to get a haircut for 2 more weeks. We need something for the wig to grab on to. My hair hasn’t been this long since 2001!

Unexpected Gifts Part 2

My production The Member of The Wedding was the closing performance of the festival. And once our cast was assembled we got the most unexpected gift of them all. Every one of us was an experienced professional artist. There was no question we’d work well together. But I didn’t expect us to become so close….

Unexpected Gifts part 1

  My first visit to Provincetown began at Long Wharf waiting for the Ferry. It was a little chilly. I had a Ticket for the boat, a big suitcase and my backpack. My cast mates arrived just moments before we disembarked and sailed down the coast of Massachusetts.   For 90 minutes the ferry sailed…